Do I have to stay in Nadi before going to Kadavu?
If your flight into Fiji arrives after 10:00am (local time) it is unlikely that you will be able to connect to the domestic flight (to Kadavu) in time. We suggest that where possible you try to get a flight that arrives early morning and so you avoid having to stay in Nadi.
Where should I stay in Nadi if I have to Overnight?
There are a number of hotels close to the airport that offer comfortable accommodation at an affordable price. Most have a pool, restaurant and FREE Airport Transfer. If for some reason the shuttle bus does not turn up, you can either ring the hotel or catch a taxi (approx FJ$5, but ask for a price before you get in)
How do I get from Nadi (the International Airport) to Kadavu?
There is a direct flight from Nadi every day except on Wednesdays and Sundays and one direct flight per week from Suva to Kadavu (on Wednesdays) on PacificSun.
How much baggage can I take with me between Nadi and Kadavu?
you will be flying on a smaller plane (like a
'Twin Otter') the baggage allowance is less (15kg).
Try to keep your heavier items in your carry
on (for divers) to reduce any excess baggage
How long is the flight?
From Nadi it takes about 45 minutes, from Suva about 30 minutes.
Can I get to Kadavu by boat?
is a ferry service between Suva and Kadavu. The
Lomaiviti Princess departs Suva on Tuesday and
Friday evenings (11pm) and arrives
early morning in
Vunisea, Kadavu on Wednesday and around midday
on Saturday. The ferry returns the same day,
arriving back in
Suva in
the evening.
info, Goundar Shipping have their offices
in Walu Bay in Suva where you can buy a ticket.
They have a Facebook
What happens when I get to Kadavu?
When you arrive on Kadavu you will be met by our resort staff. They will be waiting inside the airport building (or at Vunisea wharf if you come by boat) and will be holding up a sign with your name. You and your baggage will be taken to the waiting boat for transfer. We suggest that you wear some type of casual shoes -in the event that it is low tide at the time of your arrival. (It may be necessary for you to walk through shallow water to the boat.)
How long does it take from Vunisea, Kadavu airport to the resort?
From the airport the boat trip is about 15 minutes. Your trip will take you past the palm lined beaches and numerous coral heads.
What happens when I get to the resort?
We want you to start to relax. Join us for a cold drink while we give you some necessary information about the resort. Your bags will be taken to your room and we will then escort you there.
What if I'm a non-diver, what is there for me to do?
We offer a great range of activities for the non-diver. All guests have access to the sea kayaks, indoor board games, beach volleyball and a large book library; as well as hammocks and sun loungers. You can also go on a rainforest walk behind the resort (wonderful views from the hill top), on a waterfall trip with guides or other arranged trips (charges apply) and visit the villages next to the resort.
Where will we be diving?
Dive Kadavu offer access to all major reef systems around Kadavu on over 40 dive sites. Most dive sites are a short boat ride away on the sheltered Namalata Reef and in the Motu Marine Protected Area. Day trips to further away dive sites like the "Kong dives" (at the foot of Mt Nabukelevu in the West of Kadavu) and the Manta Encounter (on the Southern end of the Great Astrolabe Reef) can be arranged on request. A surcharge and minimum number of divers applies for day trips. A number of factors are taken into consideration before the final choice of dive sites is made every morning: they include the weather, wind, tides, whether you have dived the site already and whether the group wants to go back to the same place.
What can we expect to see?
Kadavu and its reefs are famous for their variety. We often say to "Expect the Unexpected" . You can expect to see hard & soft corals, a full range of coral fish and then who knows. Just about anything is possible … mantas, jacks, tuna, sharks, gropper, sea snakes, rays, nudibranchs & more.
What has Dive Kadavu done to reduce the impact on the reef?
Matana Beach Resort, Dive Kadavu was the first dive resort in Fiji to use moorings. Yes as far back as 1985 we were using fixed lines on more than 60 sites. Our guides are always there watching to ensure that divers control their buoyancy and ensure that no marine creatures or their shells are removed. We treat the reef like it is a marine reserve and have approached the government to make it into one.
What is the water temperature?
The waters around Kadavu are often a little cooler than those of other parts of Fiji. We recommend a full-length wetsuit at all times (2-3mm) to protect against the water and the risk of coral cuts. The water temperature May - October ranges from 22c to 26c and Nov - April 26c to 30c. (We think it gets cold but maybe we have become too soft!)
How much experience do I need?
Because most of our dive sites offer easy diving, we cater for divers of all levels. Please remember that you must be certified and bring your card with you. We do have dive courses available for those who are not yet certified.
What time do we leave the resort for diving?
The boats leave at 8:30 to 8:45 am. After two dives, with a surface interval at a lovely beach, the boats arrive back at the Resort at approximately 12:30 to 1:00 pm. Guests should meet on the beach fairly promptly after breakfast.
How is our dive equipment organized before and after the dives?
after arrival at the resort, we will establish
exactly how many weights you need and if you
require any scuba hire equipment. Any rental
gear you require (ie reg, BCD and weights)
will be issued to you for the
entire time you are at the resort (these can
be washed outside your Bure in fresh water) and
you keep
it in your
lockable cage outside your bure. All tanks are
filled on the
boat and there is no need for you to care for them. Our
hire equipment consists mainly of Sherwood and Scubapro.
Can I, being a nondiver, come on dive trips?
If the weather and tide are right and space is available, snorkelers are welcome to come along (charge applies).
When are afternoon or night dives scheduled?
Afternoon or night dives can be arranged on request, weather and tide permitting, dive staff will assess the conditions. Time between dives will also be a factor. Minimum numbers of 2 divers are required.
If I'm on a pre-paid dive package and I don't complete the dives can I be refunded or share the dives with others?
Sorry, but no. In order to offer very reasonable packages we do not refund unused sections of packages or allow them to be shared. Before you leave home, we suggest that you buy travel insurance in case of airline delay, inclement weather, sickness, etc. If we are unable to provide diving services due to mechanical failures or other reasons we will make up the dives or will provide appropriate refunds.